Day-to-Day Life Self Acceptance Exercises to Practice

Really Influential
5 min readOct 19, 2022


Day-to-Day Life Self Acceptance Exercises to Practice

Hello everyone! Are you the one having trouble accepting yourself? Do you struggle to decide what to hold onto and what to let go of? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here, in this article, we’ve provided you with some self acceptance exercises to practice in your daily life. Put yourself at ease!

An Intro to Self Acceptance:
The acceptance of one’s characteristics, whether favorable or unfavorable, is referred to as SELF ACCEPTANCE. We embrace all facets of who we are when we accept who we are, not just the positive ones. Acceptance of oneself is unconditional. While acknowledging your flaws, you may still embrace yourself completely. Being self accepting is being content with who you are, regardless of imperfections or previous actions.

How Do You Know Your Level of Self Acceptance?

Whether you have high or low levels of self acceptance is likely already known to you. But consider your early childhood to gain an idea. Your parents or other primary caregivers treated you badly and harshly? Did they criticize you more for who you are as a person than for your actions? There’s a strong possibility that your level of self acceptance is low if you said yes to any of these questions.

The following is a list of symptoms that you might not be self accepting:

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  • You find it tough to admit your mistakes, flaws, and undesirable characteristics.
  • You don’t love yourself, and you desperately want to change who you are.
  • You don’t know why, but you have a pessimistic attitude toward life.
  • You often tend to be overly critical of yourself and unaware of who you are.

If you frequently exhibit any of these symptoms, you probably have poor self acceptance. You may gradually increase your level of self acceptance with the aid of mindfulness exercises and meditation. This will therefore enhance your mental and emotional health. To improve your level of self acceptance, consider taking personality development classes.

Some Exercises for Practicing Self Acceptance:

It takes time to develop true self acceptance. You may steadily raise your level of self acceptance over time through daily practice and self care. You may learn to practice self love and acceptance every day by doing the following activities for self acceptance:

List three to five things for which you are grateful each day. At first, this could seem difficult, especially if you tend to dwell on the bad. However, expressing appreciation daily might assist you in rewiring your brain to prioritize the good. Search for the positive aspects of every scenario that seems to be bad. When you fail at anything, appreciate the lessons you learned from it. Look for positive aspects of your apparent weaknesses as well.

2. Reframe your Negative Perceptions:
Your inner critic speaks when you have negative perceptions. They bring about a great deal of sorrow and keep you from achieving complete self acceptance. By writing down your unfavorable self perceptions on paper, you can reframe them. Write it down, for instance, if you feel horrible about yourself because of something you did in the past. Write down your list, then go through and reframe each assumption. Start by questioning the veracity of each assertion by asking yourself, Is this true? Then, substitute each negative self talk with more positive ones. For example, say, “it is okay to make mistakes, I can always learn from them.”

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3. Select your support system:
List the people you spend the most of your time with. Consider whether they generally speak to you in a good or negative manner. Ask yourself if it would be feasible to spend less time with folks who tend to be negative. You might even be able to fully remove them from your life. When it comes to a close family member, for instance, this is not always doable. But make an effort to cut off as many toxic individuals from your life as you can. Be in the company of optimistic individuals who encourage and appreciate you.

4. Practice meditation:
A consistent meditation practice can assist you in detaching from a negative self talk. You may feel happier and experience more pleasant feelings as a result. The purpose of meditation is to observe certain ideas without becoming attached to them. Meditation and other mindfulness techniques improve psychological health and foster inner peace. You may do this to lessen self criticism and boost your self esteem.

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5. Cherish forgiveness:
One of the first steps in accepting oneself is to forgive oneself for previous transgressions and regrets. To get beyond, practice self forgiveness. It’ll serve as a reminder to you that you’re just human and that you tried your best. You can go on and let your regrets go thanks to this. Consider a circumstance, deed, or fault you would like to forgive yourself for. Write down any thoughts you have of yourself with that circumstance. Next, be kind to yourself for holding that belief. And finally, accept your flaws and forgive yourself for holding that belief for so long.

Self acceptance entails realizing that your worth extends beyond your traits and deeds. Sometimes people refer to this as radical self acceptance. Allow radical self acceptance to empower you. Stepping into your power means accepting who you are. You may stop seeking affirmation from others if you learn to build self acceptance. Learning self acceptance is the first step toward taking care of your mental health. You learn to own both your talents and your faults as you become more confident in who you are. Attending personality grooming classes can be an effective technique to increase your level of self acceptance.

We wish you success in achieving self acceptance after reading this article on “Day-to-Day Life Self Acceptance Exercises to Practice.” Grow throughout your life by practicing self acceptance and accepting who you are! Bye-bye!

Originally published at on October 19, 2022.



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